“We must not allow negative memories from past experiences to dictate our responses to present conditions or dictate our future mental outlook.”

— C. Mark Hollomon


Step into the illuminating world of

Mr. C. Mark Hollomon

C. Mark Hollomon is a charismatic speaker whose words transcend generations, captivating minds with simplicity, humor, and unwavering passion. Armed with a ministerial license from the Association of Zoe Christian Fellowship Ministries, Intl., and guided by the wisdom of Bishop Emeritus Frank L. Stewart, Mark has dedicated over 30 years to teaching Biblical principles and navigating the delicate landscape of racial relations.

Mark's mission unfolds in dual splendor – to unveil the clarity of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom to both the Church and the wider world, while fostering racial conciliation by instilling the Godly principle of self-interest in Black America. Three profound books, "A Scriptural Perspective on Reparations," "The Godly Principle of Self-Interest," and "Kingdom Mentalities," alongside insightful audio CDs, bear witness to Mark's commitment.

Inspired by luminaries such as the Late Dr. Myles Munroe, mentee Dr. Pepe Ramnath, and the esteemed Dr. Claud Anderson, Mark's journey is a mosaic of wisdom drawn from diverse sources. With his first book endorsed by Dr. Fredrick K.C. Price, it is clear Mark's impact resonates far beyond ink on pages.

Beyond his literary prowess, now retired, Mark has spent over three decades in Emergency Medical Services, showcasing a 30-year firefighting legacy and a 26-year tenure as a paramedic – a calling he embraced at the tender age of 5. A sports enthusiast, Mark's love for baseball, basketball, and tennis remains undiminished, proving that age is but a number.

As a coach for over 30 years, Mark's joy lies in nurturing young talents, and his prowess extends beyond the courts to his pivotal role as a husband to Suzette, a dedicated father to two sons, and an unwavering Citizen/Ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven. Through the twists of life, Mark attributes his achievements to the steadfast support of his wife, family, Pastor, church community, and the guiding presence of God's Holy Spirit.

Embark on this extraordinary journey with Mark by exploring his website and acquiring the rich tapestry of resources, contributing not only to your enrichment but also to the realization of his profound mission. Your support becomes a beacon, illuminating the path to a world where Mark's vision comes to life.